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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!

Get ideas for your career

Find out about the world of work and how to explore career ideas.

How to get ideas for your career

Get ideas for your career from our online tools, inspirational videos, career experts, career expos and the people around you.

Skills employers are looking for

The skills employers most want you to have.

Work experience options

Get career ideas and try them out with work experience.

How to get work experience

Find out how work experience can help you explore career ideas.

Types of work arrangements and hours

Find the working arrangement that fits your career and lifestyle.

Building a portfolio career

How you can combine your interests and personal skills into a portfolio career.

Working for yourself

Find out what it takes to be a contractor or an entrepreneur, and set up a business.

Updated 13 Nov 2020