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Māia advice for teachers

Inspire rangatahi with Māia video series two

Māia series two is a seven-part video series targeted at rangatahi Māori aged 13-19, to promote the importance of employability skills in the modern world of work.

Videos 1-6 give direct insight from Māori businesses into the qualities, attributes and behaviours they look for within the aquaculture, technology, entrepreneurship, retail and hospitality industries. Video 7 'nail or fail a job interview' gives direct hints and tips for demonstrating employability skills at interviews.

Inspire rangatahi with Māia video series one

Careers New Zealand have created a series of five videos specifically targeted at Māori youth aged 13-19. Each video gives direct insight into the skills our rangatahi need to become part of the thriving Māori economy. The videos cover the key industries of agriculture, construction, health and fitness and creative technology.

How to use Māia in the classroom

The videos are a great way to start career conversations and inspire your students to think about the different roles and opportunities available to them when starting out in the workforce.

Use the videos to open discussion around:

  • the Māia proverb 'Kia Tū, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui' ( Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Determined) – what this means and how it can help your students prepare themselves for their transition from education, through training, to employment
  • employability skills – how your students identify and develop these skills
  • the industries shown in the videos and the variety of roles that might be available in that industry
  • the four attributes outlined under the student career management competencies: developing self-awareness, exploring opportunities, deciding and acting, and transitions
  • the 'nail or fail a job interview' video in series two  - use this to explore how students might prepare for an interview and be able to demonstrate the behaviours and attributes employers will be looking for.

Useful links

Updated 20 Sep 2019