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Māia video series one

Kia Tū, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui! Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Determined! Careers New Zealand headed out to film five successful Māori businesses in the agriculture, construction, health and fitness and creative technology industries. We’re bringing you their stories to give you some tips and inspiration for your future.

Would you love to digitise Māori narratives?

Ariki Creative is part of the thriving digital natives' hub – a place of collaboration and extreme creativity.

In this video, Ariki Creative's owner and designer Hori shows us how the team take a story with a traditional Māori design and digitise it to look contemporary and modern, while telling the narrative of the people of the land.

Search our job profiles for creative jobs in the tech industry

Want to help your whānau get healthy?

Hale Compound Conditioning (HCC) are making a difference, helping people change their mental and physical health for the better.

In this video, we talk to the passionate team at HCC about how they're improving their communities' health/whānau ora and how to get some gains in this industry.

Search our job profiles for jobs in the health and fitness industry

Are you keen to earn while you learn?

He Toki Ki Te Mahi is a trust that looks out for Māori trainees by supporting them through their apprenticeships.

In this video, we follow Dion, a carpentry apprentice. Dion had a tough journey, but now sees a bright future in carpentry, earning along the way and gaining mad skills.

Search our job profiles for jobs in the construction industry

Are you down to be a creative entrepreneur?

Maui Studios Aotearoa is a creative tech agency that weaves tikanga Māori themes into their work making short films and websites and developing brands.

In this video, Vincent and Madison tell us how they became a success by being the crazy digital haututū cats.

Search our job profiles for creative jobs in the tech industry

Will you be the first one out of the van?

Ngāi Tahu Farming/Whenua Kura is a successful iwi business that's all about whanaungatanga – whānau values.

In this video, they share with us some of the opportunities in agriculture, from farm management to human resources!

Search our job profiles for jobs in the agriculture industry