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Holiday contact hours: You won't be able to call us from 5pm Friday 20th December until 9:30am Wednesday 8 January. You can still email during this time and we'll reply as soon as we can. Ngā mihi o te wā!

Farming, Fishing, Forestry and Mining

Agriculture and Horticulture

This industry may be for you if you are interested in:

  • raising and working with animals
  • planting, growing, working with and harvesting plants and crops
  • working outdoors
  • designing, building and maintaining outdoor areas
  • driving tractors, motorbikes, and heavy machinery
  • doing physical work, and working with your hands
  • working with tools, machinery and equipment
  • business management such as budgeting and accounting
  • science and research.

Aquaculture and Fishing

 This industry may be for you if you are interested in:

  • using practical skills such as knife handling or repairing nets
  • boats and working on water
  • working with tools, equipment and machinery
  • being part of a team and working with people, as you may be at sea for weeks at a time.


Forestry may be for you if you are interested in:

  • plants and trees
  • outdoor and physical work
  • working with tools, machinery and equipment
  • conservation and the environment
  • managing forest operations including managing staff, contractors and budgets.


Mining jobs may be for you if you are interested in:

  • mining or quarrying for materials such as minerals, metals, aggregates and coal
  • drilling for oil and gas
  • physical work and working with your hands
  • driving and operating heavy vehicles, machinery and equipment
  • developing plans and specifications for mining operations
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