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Job search results

Ship's Master

Poutikanga Whakahaere Kaipuke

Ship's masters are in charge of a ship, its crew and any passengers or cargo it is carrying – on the water and in port. On tugs or pilot boats, ship's masters may guide or assist ships in and out of harbours or through difficult waterways.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Ship's masters on small vessels usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Ship's masters on large, foreign-going vessels usually earn
$125K-$250K per year


Kaimahi Taunga Waka

Stevedores operate a variety of heavy machinery to load, unload, tally and stow the cargo of a ship.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1 year

New stevedores usually earn
$48K-$80K per year

Stevedores in a supervisory role usually earn
$80K-$130K per year

Health and Safety Adviser

Kaitohutohu Hauora-Haumaru

Health and safety advisers monitor workplace health and safety hazards, train employees on health and safety procedures, and investigate accidents.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Health and safety advisers with less than two years' experience usually earn
$51K-$70K per year

Health and safety advisers with more than seven years' experience can earn
$100K-$125K per year

Bus Driver

Kaitaraiwa Pahi

Bus drivers operate buses and drive passengers along local, chartered or intercity routes.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Bus drivers in towns and cities usually earn
$27-$30 per hour



Commercial divers develop and maintain underwater structures and do research for scientists. Recreational divers teach scuba diving and may carry out marine searches and rescues.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Recreational divers work full-time and usually earn
$48K-$49K per year

Commercial divers work on short-term contracts and usually earn
$350-$1200 per day

Contact Centre Worker

Kaimahi Pokapū Whakapā

Contact centre workers answer enquiries and provide or organise help for those who contact them. They may also deal with customer complaints, or sell goods or services.

Job opportunities

Contact centre workers usually earn
$49K-$65K per year

Team leaders and managers can earn
$65K-$200K per year