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Job search results


Kaikimi/​Kaihopu Kararehe

Hunters and trappers shoot or trap animals to remove pests and control disease, and for food, fur, or research.

Job opportunities

Pay for hunters and trappers depends on the type of work they do and their experience.

Crop Worker

Kaimahi Huangakai

Crop workers assist with the growing and harvesting of fruit, vegetables and other produce on farms, market gardens, orchards and vineyards.

Job opportunities

Crop workers usually earn
$23-$24 per hour

Crop workers who supervise others usually earn
$23-$25 per hour


Kaimanaaki Papa

Groundspeople are in charge of the turf (grass), tracks and pitches at sports fields, golf courses, public areas, schools and racecourses.

Job opportunities

Groundspeople usually earn
$50K-$60K per year

Head groundspeople and managers can earn
$60K-$100K per year


Kaimātai Koiora Mororiki

Microbiologists study micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, and the effects they have on plants, animals and humans. They also develop products from micro-organisms to benefit humans or the environment.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-9 years

Microbiologists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year

Senior microbiologists usually earn
$75K-$130K per year

Nursery Grower/​Worker

Kaiwhakatipu/​Kaimahi Otaota

Nursery growers/workers grow young plants, flowers, trees and shrubs for sale or for use in parks and gardens.

Job opportunities

Nursery growers/workers usually earn
$23-$25 per hour

Senior nursery growers/workers usually earn
$25-$31 per hour