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Job search results

Energy/​Carbon Auditor

Kaitātari Pūngao/​Waro

Energy/carbon auditors assess the amount of energy used and carbon produced by organisations. They also recommend ways to increase energy efficiency.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Energy/carbon auditors with up to five years' experience usually earn
$60K-$80K per year

Energy/carbon auditors with five or more years' experience usually earn
$80K-$200K per year

Aircraft Refueller

Kaiwhakakī Waka Rererangi

Aircraft refuellers fill aircraft with fuel at airports.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

New aircraft refuellers usually earn
$55K-$65K per year

Experienced aircraft refuellers usually earn
$65K-$75K per year



Trainers plan and provide training courses for employees of businesses, government and other organisations. 

Job opportunities

Trainers usually earn
$56K-$82K per year

Training advisers usually earn
$82K-$128K per year

Mortgage Broker

Kaitakawaenga Pūtea Taurewa

Mortgage brokers offer financial advice to people wanting to buy a house or property and help them apply for a home loan. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
<1 year

Mortgage brokers who are permanent employees usually earn
$70K-$100K per year

Insurance Loss Adjuster

Kaiwhakatika Makeretanga Rīanga

Insurance loss adjusters investigate and calculate insurance claims.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
0-3 years

Insurance loss adjusters usually earn
$56K-$88K per year

Senior or specialist loss adjusters usually earn
$80K-$143K per year


Kaimātai Pūtaiao Whenua

Geophysicists use data-collecting technology to study natural processes of the Earth, such as earthquake and volcanic activity, and to locate minerals, oil and gas, or groundwater.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-7 years

New geophysicists usually earn
$65K-$75K per year

Senior geophysicists usually earn
$120K-$180K per year